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+91 93526-05429

How to Reach


By Air : Jaipur 250 km is the nearest airpont
By Rail : Lying on the Delhl - Mumbai route, Kota IS well served BY regular Super Fast Train Services.
By Road : Good network of Natlonal & State Highways link Kota with many imporlant cities in and outside the state. Some notoble distances are : Udaipur 280 km. Bundi 35 km., Delhi 504,Ahmodabad 522 km.


By Air : Jaipur 215 km is the nearest airpont
By Rail : Kota 35 kmis iho convenlont railhead for Super Fast Trains
By Road : Good road connections link Bundi with important places.


By Air : Jaipur 325 km is the nearest airpont
By Rail : Kota 80 km is the conveniont rallhead for Super Fast Trains
By Road : Good road connections link Baran wih important cities in and outside the state.


By Air : Jaipur 330 km is the nearest airpont. and
Indore 233 km is the nearest airpont.
By Rail : Kota 80 km is the convoniont railhead for Super Fast Trains.
By Road : Good road connections, within & outside the State. Some notablo distancos are : Jaipur 335 km, Ajmor 292, Kota 87, Bundi 122 km., Delhi 590 km., Bhopal 265 km., Indore 233 km.